PFMBlue GP08B unit installed on a Toyota Prado used by a professional driver.
John and Amanda Cantrell of “Australian 4x4 Driver Training” have installed a PFM unit on their 2017 2.8 litre Toyota Prado to assist with the reduction of diesel fuel issues encountered refuelling in some Australia’s outback of remote regions.
Whilst their vehicle takes the lead on these tours their role as leader must demonstrate, not only the skills required, but the equipment available to ensure the 4x4 experience available to those that choose is not only tough enough but also reliable enough to keep vehicles moving in the deserts and other regions in all weather conditions.
Following the install, John texted within just 3 hours saying, “he noticed additional power was being delivered to the wheels when driving up the steep incline of Mt Victoria”…… one of the steepest sealed roads in Australia.
Update 2nd April 2024 After a trip to to Wollongong .... he notice that before 2000RPM was required for 80KPH on Bulli Pass now ....between 1700 RPM and 1500 RPM for 80KPH so It can be said It's all happening in a higher gear needing less rpm to deliver the power to the wheels.